As a new food blogger I am discovering the many questions/dilemmas/obstacles of creating a truly great blog: How often should I post? Do I hire a photographer ($$$) or finally give in and learn to use a great camera (they intimidate me and who wants to carry that around?!). How often do I send my subscribers a newsletter? How do I strike the perfect balance of entertaining my readers while providing useful information? How personal do I want to get and how many pictures of me eating is too many?
While I tackle these questions over the next year and try to build this blog into something I can be truly proud of, here is a list of blogs that I love, admire, and visit regularly. Is it a coincidence they are all run by women? I honestly don’t know, all I know is they are tops. The recipes are great, the photos are delightful and each has their own unique voice. So while I’m learning how to truly be worthy of subscribers, these sites have all earned your sign-ups. Enjoy!
I happened upon Clean Food Dirty City on Instagram and it made it onto my bookmarks bar after the first visit. True to the site’s name, blogger Lily keeps it clean. All her recipes are gluten and dairy free and presented in a simple, easy to follow layout with bright, crisp photographs.
Katie Quinn Davies of What Katie Ate has two books and provides great recipes on her blog but it’s the photographs that are responsible for more than one late night disappearing down a food-porn k-hole. One look at her photograph of a dish and I promise you’ll clear your night and get cooking.
I discovered The New Potato when they approached me for their “The Foodies” section and have since become an adoring fan of Danielle & Laura’s appreciation and excitement for the edible side of life. I check in regularly as they also have awesome posts about travel, fashion & lifestyle.
Rens Kroes seems to have found the secret to the healthy/yummy balance I’m always striving for. She makes the kind of health food I want more of in my life – “good for you” food you’ll actually crave. And it doesn’t hurt that her recipes are accompanied by airy, playful, colorful photographs.
Cup of Joe is full of practical, charming posts on everything from Nutella recipes to baby food. Joanna is fearless in her openness and as a result her tips and insights are both helpful and personal. Her posts are often short as if she’s saying, “I know you’re busy trying to do it all, thanks for stopping by.”
Jen Tilley’s “About Jen” post had me immediately awash in the girly feeling that we might someday be friends. On her How To: Simplify site Jen is unapologetically sweet. She’s equally as honest about her love of food as she is about missing her family over the holidays, and her recipes are delicious!
Health-consious recipes by someone who refers to my favorite food as Mr. Chocolate? Meet Christal of Nutritionist in the Kitch. With recipes like “Brazil Nut, Orange & Chocolate Fudge Cups” and “Sweet Chili Garlic Shrimp” you’ll feel nourished and want seconds!
Let me know about your favorite food blogs in the comments section!♥
I adore your blog already, so I’d say you’re making a great start! Also, I vote you get that camera and have fun with it yourself! Definitely intimidating, and definitely annoying to carry around (why do they have to be so heavy?), but also a lot of fun.
One of my fave food/kitchen/sometimes other things blogs is You should give it a look!
Now, off to roam all your recommendations and drool on the keyboard some more…