Photo by Gary Fleder
I have no desire to be a food blogger. Although the existence of this, my food blog, would suggest otherwise. I’m not a brilliant cook and am certainly no culinary expert but where I do excel is eating; I eat with abandon. My obsession with food – making endless lists of where people should eat and what they should order, over-passionately debating who has the best mint chip ice cream, drunkenly proposing to gifted chefs – has finally worn out the patience of even my closest friends. And so, deciding that I needed another outlet for my food mania, they staged an intervention, “You need a food blog.” And that was it. So here I am, attempting to sum up a lifetime of passion in a single paragraph:
I’ve never understood the words “I’m not hungry” in response to being offered something delicious to eat. I have spent my entire life trying to cultivate a relationship between appetite and food consumption and like a tone deaf kid dreaming of becoming Idina Menzel, it ain’t never gonna happen. To me, being on a diet means I limit myself to only one baguette a day. The thought of saying “I can’t eat that” whilst other people enjoy dessert is unconscionable, and although I pretend to enjoy my grueling workouts, I only do them so I can keep eating. I’m not a picky eater but rather a discerning one, what I really care about is good food. I’m not automatically impressed by a Michelin star nor am I put off by a hole-in-the-wall. I’d rather eat off a food truck than at the hottest restaurant in town if the food truck is better. I have no idea what this blog will become, I only know that I love food and my friends have decided they can no longer be the only people I rant to.
P.S. Trader Joe’s Super Premium is the best mint chip.